

These are fascinating times we live in, in terms of "sharing." I think this whole blog thing is good for everybody...sort of like keeping a sketchbook with you, where you can constantly jot down ideas, make tweaks, and then publicize! Publicizing, is definitely a weakness of mine. As an introvert, I often find it difficult to just "put myself out there." there is a price of vulnerability, yet a reward of strength. So I see blogging as a tremendous opportunity to share, and what a great era to be able to rapidly share. I think its worthwhile to seriously consider how one shares information. There is an incredible amount of cyber bombardment and pic-pocketing. This is really going to come down to marketing relationships on a sincere level. There is far too much rogue marketing. I have never wanted to cram anything down anyones throat, yet I am certainly interested in expanding my audience and keeping them. As always, Exciting times!

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