Environmental Design / Landscapes

8" x 10" oil painting from El Matador State Beach in Malibu CA

Coastal oil sketch 5" x 7"

Did this one at Channel Islands Harbor in Ventura CA. My first boat painting and it was a lot of fun. 8"x8", oil on board.

I did this quick acrylic sketch on 6" x 9" illustration board. This was a shot I took while flying in a sesna over the alps in New Zealand. Although I prefer to work from life....this would have been a challenging feat. Having done a fair amount of visual studying from real life, I was better able to edit and invent when working on this painting from photography...for instance, adding more yellows in the foreground snow to pull it closer to the viewer. The snow in my photo was a total washout.

Acrylic on board, 9" x 12" 2011. This painting is a scene from Queenstown, New Zealand...one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. There was a mountain to climb and a painting to make everywhere you turned your head.....divinely inspirational.

Mono lake, Acrylic on board,  9" x 12" The California sierras are one of my most favorite places to hike and paint. I know that I am privileged to live so close to this area in California. This is a painting of a Tufa rock with the sierras in the background. I really tried to exploit the many temperature shifts that I discovered upon studying the rock.

These are some pen and ink studies of castle types for my character Blaylock (found on the character page) to dwell in.

This is a perspective of the front of Blaylock's castle, using marker and pen/ink on paper

Another marker render showing and interior perspective of Blaylock's castle looking down as he stands in the doorway.

Some marker comps of various reveal compositions for Blaylock's environment. I ended up using the one in the upper left corner.

Good ole gouche on illustration board....haven't used this medium in years. Although, I really like its color purity, I find it to be a little dry and chalky. I suppose I prefer the plasticity of acrylic or the flexibility of oil. Anyhow, this preliminary perspective depicts Blaylock's abode atop the mountain.

Another perspective of the reveal shot for Blaylock's environment. I actually chose this shot over the one above...but I ended up combining some elements from the one above by using the trees in the composition for the final reveal.

In this image we are looking out a cave out toward a mountainous region where a glacial lake has thawed and begun pouring water over its edge. black prisma color and marker on paper

A small pencil thumbnail of mountain study. 3" x 4"

Oil on panel, 30" x 40". This is an older painting I did back in 2005. Its a nocturne of Coal Mine Canyon, Arizona. I originally painted this on site (and received a nice reflection sun burn from the snow) during the day. I went with cooler lights and warmer shadows. You can learn a lot about nocturne colors by looking at James Abbott McNeil Whistler http://en.wahooart.com/A55A04/w.nsf/Opra/BRUE-8EWK5T

Oil on panel 9" x 12", Grand Canyon Arizona. Painted this back in 2004 on site. One of the hardest things I have ever painted. I look forward to seeing how I fare up next time I go. 

On this particular day back in 2004, the Grand Canyon was filled with clouds and fog, so my buddy and I drove further west outside the park to get this view. Oil on Board 12" x 16"

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