Character Design




Layout page for the awkwardly-bodied Hodge

On this silhouette page, you can see the various body types explored in pursuit of discovering the "gangly" look that encompasses Hodge.

Pencil sketch was scanned into photoshop and painted on top of (below).

So, here is the final depiction of Hodge in desert terrain with a serious mountain range looming in the background. Programs: photoshop and Painter.


Silhouettes for queen character design.

Sir Ellesworth Gentry

Here is a layout showing some of the preliminary work and ideations that went into the development of this character. You can see that even further revisions were applied, in terms of color, lighting, rendering, and detail into the final illustration below.

This is the finished illustration of Sir Ellesworth Gentry inside of a temple, walking on water. It was executed using Photoshop and Painter.




Alien / Creature Character



Like many, I love werewolfves, and this character is definitely werewolf-inspired. Ironically enough this fabled creature haunted me as a child. all of the sketches on this page are analog.

Early version of the character, Lance

Concept head study of Lance. Marker and Prismacolor on paper.

Some character development sketches for my warrior character Lance


Silhouette action poses using a program called Alchemy.

A character I created for a T shirt design....The ninjoctopus is not so skilled.

This pen and ink drawing that I constructed for a T shirt design ended serving as inspiration for my Blaylock character.

Character development sketch page for the hopefully cute and affable Yermo.

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